Wialon Run Challenge
Join the global Wialon Run Challenge! Celebrate 4 million units with 4,000 km run by the vibrant Wialon partner community. Challenge accepted?
About the Wialon Run Challenge
Starting small and dreaming big, we're on the brink of connecting the 4 millionth unit to Wialon thanks to our partners. To celebrate this milestone, we introduce the Wialon Run Challenge!
Our goal? To run 4,000 km together, symbolizing our shared journey to 4 million connected units. Whether it's a morning jog, an evening dash, a marathon, or a lunch break stride, every kilometer counts. Join us in proving that our community can achieve anything, from connecting millions of units to running thousands of kilometers together.
Running towards 4,000 km. Track our collective journey.
4,000 km 4,000 km

Progress: 0%

Join the Run
  1. Feel the shared motivation and lace up your sneakers!
  2. Download the Strava App and create your account.
  3. Follow the Wialon account.
  4. After that, we'll add you to our closed Strava challenge, where your distances will be automatically logged after each run. This is where we'll track our progress.
  5. Join the Wialon Run Challenge group chat on WhatsApp to be aware of the challenge status and follow other participants. Capture your running moments! Share them on Strava or social media using #WialonRunChallenge.
  6. Continue running and contribute to our collective goal of 4,000 km with the Wialon community.
Wialon Run Challenge 2024
Runners in Action
Look at the energy and enthusiasm of the Wialon Run Challenge participants. Your strides inspire us!
Together, we are unstoppable. The power of the Wialon community propels us forward, proving that no challenge is too big when we unite. Let's keep the momentum going!
Questions? Reach out to us in the chat